An avid glass and bottle collector, I have lived in the Pennsylvania Amish Country all of my life. As a collector, I have spent countless hours poking through the many old glass and bottle dumps scattered throughout the natural wooded habitats and rural farmlands where I live.
One thing that has always bothered me though, is how collectors take the valuable whole bottles and glass pieces, but leave the broken glass behind for the environment and the wildlife to deal with.

I have seen baby deer laying in the broken glass, foxes, squirrels and countless other wildlife running through it. Even birds landing in the glass while searching for a meal. To me, though broken, this glass still has beauty and history, so I decided to pick up the pieces and turn them into something beautiful again, in my remarkable line of recycled glass jewelry. Each piece of this eco friendly jewelry is truly "A Little Piece of History for you to Wear."
As a collector, I have prepared for each piece "The Story of the Glass" detailing what the glass was originally and the age of the piece.